Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bye Bye Glocuester.

Hello Ipswich. Moving out of my crappy house full of scumbag junkies and into a nice, safe house.

Will post with pics soon.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

OK - I think I've got this stuff down now.

Maybe I'll start updating this thing from time to time. Hopefully I'll learn how to really make a web page and not have to use a template...then it'll be ON! Oh, yes...then it shall be on indeed.

Until then - last time I posted, we were having a little bit of a flooding problem at work. Most of the company had the week off, but my department had to keep working to make sure that everybody else had computers to come back to. So, we worked through the flood, then once the company reopened, we played catch-up for the next week. And, to make it all better, the senior-most person in our 3 member PC Support team was 'unoficcially promoted' right when the rest of the company got back to work. So, there are now 2 of us supporting a company of about 600+ employees and about 1000 or so computers + peripherals.

Which reminds me...I hate Blackberries. Not the berry, those are tasty and good. Nono...the handheld device. They are, in fact, the spawn of's true, I have proof...

Monday, May 15, 2006

What a way to start the week!

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